We at Family Dental Practice in Seven Hills, we recommend that you see your dentist every 6-12 months to provide your teeth and gums with a thorough clean. Regular cleaning is essential in preventing and detecting the spread of periodontal disease.
Prophylaxis (or prevention) is the best method for keeping your mouth healthy.
Plaque buildup above and below the gum line, including calculus (commonly known as tartar), can cause serious periodontal issues.
Unfortunately, it can be challenging to eliminate all plaque, bacteria, and deposits from gum pockets, even with good home brushing techniques and flossing. The ability to recognize potentially dangerous buildups requires a dentist’s or hygienist’s trained eye as well as specialized dental tools.
Staining and tooth yellowing can dramatically lessen the appearance of a smile. Regular cleaning can reduce unpleasant stains on the teeth.
Bad breath, often known as halitosis, is typically a sign of periodontal disease progression. Food debris that has decomposed causes bad breath and potential gum infection. Keeping on top of plaque, calculus and bacteria removal can significantly lessen the risk of infection and improve bad breath (halitosis).
At Family Dental Practice, we recommend a check-up and clean twice a year. For patients with periodontitis, we advise every three to four months.
We thrive in serving our local community and enjoy seeing our regular patients. We are a committed team and value honesty, integrity and professionalism.
Call Family Dental Practice Seven Hills on (02)9621 2221 or email us at info@familydentalpractice.net.au for any further questions.