
Mar 09 2025
Post by Joey | Mar 09 2025
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Pregnancy and oral health

If you are expecting a baby, then congratulations! You will go through a beautiful journey and it will be one of the memorable journeys of your life. But, all you need is to know that this phase is one of the important parts of your life. In this time, you will expect a lot of changes in your body.

There are many times during the pregnancy, you will feel a few changes in your body. There are probably many reasons behind it. One of the prime reasons for the body changes may be the hormonal problem. The increasing level of the hormone can lead to many fatal diseases at the time of the pregnancy.

At this period of time, you should concentrate on your body. The more you get the knowledge to stay healthy and happy, the more the chances will increase to deliver a healthy and happy baby. So, what are the things you should remember at the time of the pregnancy? Read it out to get more information.

Pregnancy Gingivitis

Pregnancy gingivitis is one of the common diseases at the time of the pregnancy. The main reason for this illness is due to the abnormal hormonal changes. The hormones are the prime thing which helps a woman to be a mother. But, it comes with few side-effects. So, how will you manage the pregnancy gingivitis? Simple. Brush every day to avoid building the tartar. It leads to tooth decay. In addition to that, floss along with brushing. It will reduce the chances of affected by the gum disease.

Pregnancy Tumours

The pregnancy tumour may scare you. But is also the product of hormonal changes in your body. However, it is not malignant. However, if you develop the tumour, you should not get panicked. If you are experiencing the discomfort, then you are suggested to visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a part of the pregnancy. You may suffer heartburn or acid reflux. But, it is not a severe illness at all. The first thing every dentist recommends every patient that brushing twice a day can decrease the chances of the acid reflux. Also, you can mix about a teaspoon of water to rinse your mouth before brushing.

Last but not the list, visiting the doctor is one of the mandatory tasks you should do every alternative month. Get the advice of the dentist as it will help you to deliver a healthy baby.